Monday, February 12, 2007

Champion Hill Estate

Over the weekend Veronica and I visited Champion Hill Estate as part of our Mobile Surgery programme. Some of the problems which have arisen on previous visits seem to have subsided, although some residents of Leconfield House still complained about gangs of youths congregating outside the entrance to their block. Although the youtha may not mean to cause any distress, they can appear to be intimidating to people who walk by. I hope that some intervention by our Safer Neighbourhood Team will sort this problem out.

We took time to visit the playground on the Estate which has been awarded £50,000 from Camberwell's Cleaner Greener Safer budget. It is in real need of an overhaul so I hope that work will start here soon.

And the problems caused by the "too big block" (See June 14th 2006) continue to frustrate residents. The Council complaints system is currently dealing with the various applications by residents - so we await with interest to see what compensation those residents who have been affected by the block receive.

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